Thursday, June 23, 2016

Another Senseless Shooting - First Run December, 2012

I am on vacation part of the next two weeks so I am rerunning a couple of Musings today and next week. Here is a Musing that first run in December of 2012. It was sparked by the shooting at the Clackamas Town Center Shopping Mall. The sad thing is, that after many, many more mass shootings nothing has been done. 3 ½ years and still nothing has been done.

Tim O-H
“You shall not murder.” - Exodus 20:13 (NRSV)

A couple of weeks ago an NFL player shot his girlfriend and then himself.  An eleven year old boy used a gun in an attempted carjacking.  Just a couple days ago a 22 year old man entered the Clackamas Town Center Shopping Mall and gunned down two people and wounded a third.  Gang gun violence is at a record pace.  Every year it seems there are more and more stories of men shooting their ex-wives or ex-girlfriends or estranged wives and girlfriends.  Every few months it seems someone takes a gun to a place of business and starts shooting.  I know the saying is guns don’t kill people, people kill people but I think guns make it a whole lot easier for people to kill.

I support the right for people to have guns that want them.  I support the right of folks that feel they need to protect themselves should have the option of owning a gun.  I don’t support concealed weapons for anyone.  I don’t support semi-automatic weapons for hunting or sport.  I don’t support private arsenals of weapons.  I don’t believe anyone needs large capacity magazines. I think we need to make guns harder to get, and have a very limited understanding of what guns private citizens can have.  I also think that securing guns is critical.  The shooter at Clackamas Town Center stole the gun from a friend.  Was it locked in a gun safe?  Did it have a trigger lock?  Was the firing pin removed or other mechanical thing done to it to keep it from firing?

I think guns should be as hard to own as possible, with all kinds of background checks and licensing all of which would need to be renewed every couple of years.  The licensing would entail gun safety training and require evidence of safe storage for guns.  It would also require proof of location so that the owner would know where their gun is.  I think no one needs more than a small number of guns.  And I think that we should have gun deposits where people keep their guns for hunting or target shooting or whatever since they don’t need the gun all the time for these endeavors.   I support the no tolerance policies of schools concerning guns, toy or otherwise.  And I think that gun owners need to bear some responsibility when their weapons are used for violence or crime.

But above all else, I think we need to take a long and serious look at our culture, values and society.  We somehow have bread a culture that accepts guns and violence.  We have allowed for a situation to develop where an eleven year old feels confident about taking a gun and using it.  We have given birth to a society where people feel justified in shooting others when they are wronged or insulted.  We have made it too easy for people who are experiencing the pain of a broken or estranged relationship to take the life of another.  I suppose you could blame this on a variety of things but it still comes back to the fact that we have allowed it to happen. 

I don’t have the answer to this social dilemma.  I know that something is wrong and needs to be fixed.  I want violence to end and I want people to find ways to deal with their hurt, pain, loss, disenfranchisement, and whatever else results in a drive to hurt others that are healthy and helpful.

In the season of peace let’s pray for peace everywhere.  And may we find it soon.

Dear God, I pray for peace today.  Peace within our warring world, peace within our nation, peace among political adversaries, peace within our families and peace within myself.  I pray for those who have been impacted by recent violent acts.  I pray for those who acted in violence and for those who are contemplating doing so.  And I pray that as your children we will find a way from violence to peace.  Amen.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Random Reflections On General Conference

 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalms 34:8 (The Message)

Well it’s been a month since I last Mused and General Conference has come and gone. Having been a major part of the Host Team I was able to get access into the inner workings of this event. What follows are my random reflections, in no particular order, to what I saw, heard, felt and experienced at GC2016. There will be more to come on this but for today this will do.

The world is full of diverse people yet in many ways we are all the same:
·         baggage is a hassle when you travel
·         Airports make you tired and uncomfortable
·         Respect and common decency go a long way on both the giving and receiving ends
·         We all want to be safe, happy, and feel we are doing the best we can for ourselves and others

Institutions can bring out the best and worst in us all:
·         Imagine No Malaria cutting deaths in half
·         Caring, compassionate responses to those in need
·         Sincerely praying for and with one another
·         Hurtful, hateful language that we would never speak to one another face-to-face and one on one
·         Change is a threat and it is feared
·         Power can be truly evil

Hope flares and despair rises:
·         Can we use Rule 44? Hope then defeat when it is rejected
·         Can we reorganize so that the benefits some receive from our polity can be accessed by all? The US becoming a Central Conference raises hope, but the body says no.
·         Will this be the year when the UMC will finally allow full inclusion of LGBTQ folks in all its life and ministry? No vote – unsure how to feel
·         Can we find a way forward as a denomination? Glimmer of a hope in the Bishops’ recommendation. We will have to wait and see

Volunteers rock!
·         650 or so volunteers stepped up and provided countless hours of assistance, information, smiles, sympathy, encouragement, and all around extravagant hospitality
·         A handful of the best do way beyond whatever could have been expected or hoped for
·         Christian love and acceptance ruled the days

What happens at GC really doesn’t change the local church – my church and my people will continue to practice their faith, respond to God’s call, be and do all that God asks of us, and remain open to going where the Spirit leads regardless of what the institution says.

Dear God, may my eyes to open and my ears attentive and my heart receptive so that where I am and whoever I encounter I can receive as I would you. Help the UMC to catch a vision of what can be and do the risky things to make it so. Help us to care less about winning and losing, my agenda verse yours, and more about making the world a better place for all your children. Amen.